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Reviews of Justice for all

Though a work of fiction, this book is largely based upon much historical truth. As an Indigenous Paiute Person from Bridgeport, a Numu, I value historical accuracy. For the most part, the true Native history of this land has not been taught nor told; this has caused many to believe in erroneous stories. As we all know, history belongs to the victors, whether true or false, the mightiest write the story.


In this case, however, Wayne has gone to great depths to produce a story which moves beyond the simple pages of printed history. While he spent countless hours on archival research, thumbing through historical records, he also spent time consulting with the Native people themselves, the people whose ancestors took part in this event known as the Ah Quong Tai affair.


He traveled much to search out descendants from this event as well as Native Historians, to compile a well-rounded history which all races of people could agree upon. It was an honorable thing which the author did to not simply step on people as he moved forward, but he took the time to seek out the truth from a variety of sources.


Joseph Lent 

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Bridgeport Indian Colony

Historical novels can be challenging to pull off, but this book hits it out of the park and presents both sides of the story.


It is about the murder of a Paiute Indian in the small town of Bridgeport. The white population was backed into a corner and were terrified of the local Indians. The Paiutes just wanted justice and understanding. 


It leads to a climax that easily happened in a small, isolated town during the closing days of the 1800s.


This is a very good read.


Kent Stoddard

President of the Mono County Historical Society

© 2022 Wayne E. Purcell

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